Free online simulation for everyone.

Step-by-step guide on how to facilitate a simulation.
​Use to augment in-person, hybrid or distance simulation.
​Low to no technology required.​

Review the all-in-one
The Booklet includes the overall case schema, learning objectives, prebrief and debrief guides, and case-specific educational resources.
Play the Simulation Video.​​
For the interactive format Vimeo video, click the on-screen menu option based on the participants' actions.
For the non-interactive Youtube video, simply scroll through based on the participants' actions.​
There is also a structured, narrated pre-brief and debrief to facilitate your team's discussion.

Emergency Department
Pediatric Simulation Cases
Interactive Vimeo Cases
Youtube Cases
(Interactive Version Coming Soon)
Note: current resources target medical student & resident learners
Go to EMS page for that learner group
Check back regularly for nursing and additional cases