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Free online simulation for everyone.

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Step-by-step guide on how to facilitate a simulation.

​Use to augment in-person, hybrid or distance simulation.

​Low to no technology required.​



Review the all-in-one

Facilitator Guide.​


The Booklet includes the overall case schema, learning objectives, prebrief and debrief guides, and case-specific educational resources. 


Play the Simulation Video.​​


For the interactive format Vimeo video, click the on-screen menu option based on the participants' actions.


For the non-interactive Youtube video, simply scroll through based on the participants' actions.​


There is also a structured, narrated pre-brief and debrief to facilitate your team's discussion. 

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Note: current resources target medical student & resident learners

Go to EMS page for that learner group

Check back regularly for nursing and additional cases

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Help us to improve SimBox:

The materials presented are those of medically trained individuals involved with the creation of this site and not of their institutions. This content includes evidence-based materials curated by trained specialists to accurately support its medical statements. This may feature experimental concepts that are not currently considered the standard of care.
The information found on this site is not a replacement for medical consultation with a physician.
Please practice good digital literacy habits if quoting information found on this site.
Copyright SIMBOX Creative Team 2017-2024.

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