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Frontline Pediatric Readiness Tools

Children's Race


​Frontline Pediatric Readiness Tools are brief (< 10 minute), simulation-based exercises designed to support emergency clinicians to put pediatric readiness into practice.


​These tools are FREE, and require limited equipment and preparation.


Interprofessional teams work together to improve familiarity with pediatric specific equipment, medications, and procedures. 


These tools are designed for Pediatric Education Care Coordinators (PECCs) to use in their Emergency Department, BUT any team member who is a champion for improving pediatric care can use these tools.


Try using these tools now to improve pediatric readiness in your ED.


Put Pediatric Readiness into Practice


Emergency Departments with higher pediatric readiness scores (> 87/100) have decreased mortality rates of critically ill and injured children.  We know that the majority of children who are ill and injured seek care in community emergency departments close to home, not large pediatric centers. 


The national average pediatric readiness score is 69.5/100 


Whether your emergency department is in a rural or urban area with a high or low volume of pediatric patients, improving pediatric readiness decreases mortality and improves outcomes for kids in your community.

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