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Frontline Pediatric Readiness Tools

Children's Race

Case-based Scavenger Hunts

Case-based scavenger hunts are expected to take about 5 minutes, and allow your ED team to work through and discuss a pediatric clinical scenario.


During a Case-based scavenger hunt you team will be asked to:

  • FIND and TOUCH the equipment that might be needed

  • Use your ED’s weight-based resources to identify the correct size equipment

  • In some instances, you may be asked to identify if you have a specific policy or protocol in place related to the case and where to find it 


Get the details on running a Case-Based Scavenger Hunt Below​


  • Familiarizes teams with pediatric equipment location

  • Reinforces weight-based equipment & medication choices 

  • Reinforces using your ED’s pediatric medication & equipment reference


Who should be present?

  • Facilitator: Pediatric Education Care Coordinator or Pediatric Champion (physician or nurse) 

  • Provider Team (physician, nurses, techs, respiratory therapists, pharmacists) multidisciplinary is the goal


When should we do these scavenger hunts?

  • Any time! We recommend a case a week or every 2 weeks to capture different shifts/team members

  • Time Investment: 1 case, about 5 minutes


Where should these take place?

  • Your clinical space! The resuscitation room, peds room: wherever your team takes care of sick children.
    Watch a team run a Case-based Scavenger Hunt: (video Link) 
    Coming soon!


What you’ll need for all cases

  • Your ED’s pediatric specific Medication and Equipment References

  • Access to your pediatric equipment: cart, bag, etc.

  • A multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, techs, respiratory therapists, pharmacists (3-5 people)


What to tell your Assembled Team

  • A brief case will be provided.

  • The patients age and weight will be provided.

  • Please discuss what equipment and medications you want to have ready to care for this patient and why.

  • As you talk through the case, FIND and TOUCH the right size equipment or medication you want (not just say it) based on the age and weight provided.

  • Please keep equipment tidy!​

Facilitator Tips


All the equipment and medications in the National Pediatric Readiness Checklist are represented in this suite of 23 of case-based scavenger hunts.

Airway Foreign Body


Behavioral Emergency

Blunt Trauma


Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac Cases


Febrile Infant




​Neonate Cardiac

Newborn Delivery

Non-Accidental Trauma

Opioid Overdose

Painful Procedures

Pediatric Potpourri

Respiratory Failure

Respiratory Failure with RSI



Severe TBI

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