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Frontline Pediatric Readiness Tools

Children's Race

Scavenger Hunt - Cardiac Arrest

Read to the following to your assembled team:


  • A brief case will be provided.

  • The patients age and weight will be provided.

  • Please discuss what equipment and medications you may want to have ready to care for this patient and why.

  • As you talk through the case, FIND and TOUCH the right size equipment or medication you’ll need based on the age and weight provided. Please keep our equipment organized! We are focusing on verifying our equipment location. 

Here’s the Case


You receive a call that a 2-year-old, patient is in cardiac arrest. You have 5 minutes to prepare.

Facilitator: Ask your team:


1. How will you obtain or estimate the child’s weight?

Answer: in kg using length based tape (Broselow or similar), HandTevy, bed weight etc. Once verbalized, give the team an estimated weight of: 10kg (Broselow Purple)

2. What equipment or medications do you anticipate needing? Please FIND and TOUCH this equipment. As the team finds the right equipment, please check it off below
PALS Cardiac Arrest Algorithm


Facilitator: Ask your team:

2. What equipment or medications do you anticipate needing? Please FIND and TOUCH this equipment. As the team finds the right equipment, please check it off below
3. Who do you want present to care for this child? How do you activate or notify team members? (*Please note not all of these personnel may be applicable to your institution)

Facilitator: Read to the following to your assembled team:


  • A brief case will be provided.

  • The patients age and weight will be provided.

  • Please discuss what equipment and medications you may want to have ready to care for this patient and why.

  • As you talk through the case, FIND and TOUCH the right size equipment or medication you’ll need based on the age and weight provided. Please keep our equipment organized! We are focusing on verifying our equipment location.  


Here’s the case:


You receive a call that a 2-year-old, patient is in cardiac arrest. You have 5 minutes to prepare.


Facilitator: Ask your team:

1. How will you obtain or estimate the child’s weight?

Answer: in kg using length based tape (Broselow or similar), HandTevy, bed weight etc.

   Once verbalized, give the team an estimated weight of: 10kg (Broselow Purple)


Facilitator: Ask your team:

2. What equipment or medications do you anticipate needing? Please FIND and TOUCH this equipment. As the team finds the right equipment, please check it off below
3. Who do you want present to care for this child? How do you activate or notify team members? (*Please note not all of these personnel may be applicable to your institution)
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